Application analysis of handheld terminal technology in scenic service.

Application analysis of handheld terminal technology in scenic service.

In holidays, most people choose travel, so the passenger flow climbed, especially tourists with features. With the large quantity of passengers, there are some problems in the scenic management.
There are many hidden dangers, such as the ticket management delayed, the tourists stayed, and the service quality of the scenic spot affected. The method of manual selling and checking is no longer available to modern management requirements. Adaptation of IOT handheld terminals could improve the service and information construction in the management of scenic.
In traditional systems, people show the tickets to the workers for checking one by one in the door of scenic. Then the workers check the information of tourists, if the information is right, tourists could get into the scenic. There are some problems in the traditional ways. Firstly, tourists may show the fake tickets, which results in high mistake possibility. Secondly, the information could not be analyzed correctly in time. Thirdly, it wastes much costs, workers, and also makes the loss of tickets. The last, it makes serious queuing phenomenon, which reduce the satisfaction of tourists. With the usage of handheld terminals, customers just get the electronic tickets to be scanned, then they can get into the scenic. Handheld terminals reduce the cost and time in the checking, which make tourists better feelings.
With the usage of handheld terminals in the management of scenic, it could improve the checking quality, reduce the loss of tickets, keep the management and order stably. Scenic could collect and check ticket information with the usage of RFID, barcode and handheld terminals. It will much be convenient for management, with handheld terminals and custom service. Comparing with the traditional checking system, handheld terminals have four advantages. Firstly, handheld terminals could collect more information of customers. Secondly, handheld terminals could check the tickets, reduce the loss of tickets. Thirdly, scenic manager could check and analyze the information at any time. Fourthly, it could make customers better feeling.
Handheld terminals could read the ID of tourist, as IC chip is added to electronic tickets. Handheld terminals could realize the encryption function of data information. With the compare to database, handheld terminals could be able to display ticket information to prevent ticket theft.
Handheld terminals could read the Information of card with some distance, without any needs to show electronic tickets. Handheld terminals are portable and flexible, the staff could fix the handheld terminals on entrance guard, which could recognize the information of tickets. Or the staff pick up the handheld terminals to check the information of electronic tickets.


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