How to improve the efficiency of Electric Meter Reading by handheld terminals

How to improve the efficiency of Electric Meter Reading by handheld terminals
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Manual power meter reading costs much time and labor, and the data collected could not be enough accurate and timeless, which result in insuffcient detailed and accurate data for related marketing and enterprise management software. General manual electric meter reading is done monthly, it is possible for users, but it is not enough for supply company to do deeper analysis and management. As the development of electric power system, it is necessary to build auto power reading system.
In the information process of electric power meter reading system, it is very important to use the auto reading technology. With the auto-id technology, the data could be collected much accurately, which could improve the economic benefits and management decisions.
AtuoID7P handheld terminals from SEUIC could meet the requirements as noted.
AutoID 7P handheld terminals adapt to general WIFI and special WIFI, they are applicated to wide fields. Special Summit Wifi is designed with double antenna, with better transmission function. With the usage of Infrared function, it reduces the labour intensity and improve the efficiency, which give the best solution to spot meter reading rate problems. Besides that, AutoID 7P has some other functions.
First, the infrared system meter reading could realize the accurate data transfer. Data could be transferred accurately and quickly with the scanner of AutoID 7P, which could reduce the labor intensity and improve the efficiency.
Second, the usage of orientation navigation system, AutoID 7P could check whether the patrol personnel work or not.
    Last, it could realize the data real-time uploaded. Management personnel can get the information of circuit quickly and accurately, and make the best solutions.


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