Implementation of Beef Safety Traceability Management by Handheld Terminal Technology

Implementation of Beef Safety Traceability Management by Handheld Terminal Technology

Quality safety of beef is related to cultivation, butcher, dispatching and sell. In the period of cultivation, basic information, immunization record and health condition are concerned with the safety of beef. In the period of butcher and dispatching, sanitary condition and environmental temperature are important to trace the quality safety of beef. It is very important for beef safety traceability and management.
It is much easier to build the safety traceability and management system with the usage of handheld terminal and RFID label, the information of all process could be collected and shared. Handheld terminal could scan the cultivation, butcher, dispatching and sell information from the RFID label in cows. To build traceability information system, it is necessary to use the handheld terminal to get the information of cows during all the processes.
It is important to build beef superintend platform. It could realize the end-to-end monitoring from production to retail and realize information access and sharing among enterprises in each link of supply chain.
In the process of cultivation, with the usage of handheld terminals and RFID label, it could get all information and send to production management system, which could be related to the cattle quarantine inspection system.
In the process of dispatching, handheld terminals and RFID label could monitoring all the process of transportation, and supply information about quarantine, inspection and disinfection.
In the process of butcher, it could get the health condition of cows, and integrate management system of slaughterhouse.
In the process of beef producing, it could link the cow and beef with the usage of handheld terminals and RFID labels.
In the retail process, it will improve the speed of logistics and improve the efficiency of market management with the usage of handheld terminal technology.
With handheld terminal technology, all information during different processes could be collected, and information management system could be built.


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